LETTER: Religious right doesn't understand majority

Religious right doesn't understand majority Again, why Ten Commandments in the classroom? Endorsing 'Oklahoma Advisory Council on Founding Principl...

July 22, 2023
3:06 AM

Religious right doesn't understand majority Again, why Ten Commandments in the classroom? Endorsing 'Oklahoma Advisory Council on Founding Principles' proposals, Superintendent Walters called for this and mandatory 'Western civilization' courses. For The Oklahoman, Bunyan rightly criticized Walters' 'vexing ethnonationalism leadership tendencies.' OACFP dodged criticisms of violating religious rights, citing, briefly, the name of CAIR Chairman Haqq, who tactfully clarified he attended an OACFP meeting, endorsed nothing, disliked 'the idea of being used as a pawn .